
Mellohd's cool Site

A temporary introduction

hello, this site is nothing (or maybe its something) so far. you have landed on my homepage, grinning with malice at the moment. this is where hopefully i will get my shit together and make some cool stuff... what cool stuff you may ask??? cool things, very cool, a big cool a great cool some might say a cool thats great and cool so yea hows about that huh? huh? why are you asking so many questions? have you ever stopped to think why you ask so many questions? are you even thinking about how youre great ammount of questions could overwhelm a person? im trying my best here! i gave you my answers and youre just askkkkiiing away huh well, hm uhh its gonna have stuff in it so yea.

not satisfied? well suck it budso im trying to scrap together what little information i remember from nearly a year ago to get this brain dump of a dumpsterfire(cheeky little reference tee hee) back up and going but if you simply MUST insist that you just HAVE to know the very topics that this very website will contain, just dying to hear, absolutely jogging in place and jumping at your tippy toes to know, im thinkinggg uhhh blog BAM pages dedicated to games and shows i like DOUBLE BAMM! what games and shows BAM whell BAM im thinking CRY OF FEAR bam bam bam SUPERNATURAL BAM afraid of monsters BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM hmm uhhh a lot of shows and games actually (mostly games) this list could actuallly span forever and ever and eons and ever and oodles of words and text if i just kept going so BAM OH OH also my art BAMMMMMM i mak.. art :3 just a personal website of self expression and too much ambition thats all. happy? happy you dragged that out of me huh? well you deplugged the whole that contained a LOTTT of liquid so now youre getting it alllll baby

tragic backstory, click if dare...........

so first off, i know what youre thinking "heh.. mellohd had a few typos there heh... typo . typ" well uhh NUH UH i MEANT to say whole, this whole sentence is a testament to the fact that i meant to spell whole instead of hole so?? back off my case buddy. anywaysssss id like to make a website where i can just say random shit without anxiety and dont have to worry about "what does this make me sound like??? do i sound weird AM I BEING WEIRD WHATS GOING ON IMGONNA PU-" then i puke everywhere and ball, yes i ball NO i meant bawl like cry my little eye balls out im always so caught up in how people think of me when texting but how can i think of what people think of me when i make a personal websites GENIOUS clap it up clap it up, i know im kinda an inventer. they call me inventor mellohd and among other things that doesn't include an internet usernmame and maybe the one on my birth certificate and doesn't stary with inventor but IT COULD. anyways this website is just gonna be where i dump a bunch of my head space and thought matter without care of appearances. if you know me NUH UHHHHHHH but i doubt it cuz im not sure if im gonna link my page to my socials..

so in summary this is just gonna be a personal website where i talk about stuff im interested probably post a blog/diary stuff i think about(proabbly will contain mental health stuff cuz im a 16 year old girl SUCK MY DICK(double paranthehese(that i dont have)(TECHNICALLY TRIPPLE(NO FOUR)) poetry art things i make stuff i do things happening in the here in the now and will be in the know of the known of my noggen that will be typed with love into a code language to be displayed for the pleasure of myself and potentially other people.. yay!yywyayy whoopie! already writing these paragraphs have been fun but dont expect anything major from me because once i start a project it doesn't get touched for months

Did you dare?

if not you really didn't miss much

Im excited to work on this, im excited to make fanpages and i think the first thing id like to make is a guest book, maybe with some contact information if you guys must come to tell me personally just how amazing this website is and just how much personality and spunk it has i might grace it with an email, or more likely, my discord PERHAPS.

anyways, if your noggin is jonsein' for an explanation of whats to come from this great website well, here's a list of shit i plan/want to do:

  • A more indepth introduction page
  • Cry of fear fanpage
  • Afraid of Monsters fanpage
  • Shrine, zine, some sort of page of my art
  • Blog/Diary
  • Guestbook!
  • >Nav Bar
  • Dev log? Dev blog? Something to keep
    track of whats going on

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alaina's button biggg