
Daniel is a character made by me!
Daniels lore is still being worked on(because for the about, what, five years ive had him as an oc i've never thought too deeply about it) but here is the basic gist of it!

Daniel is 19 and born in 1962. In 1981 he decided to sign up for an experimental government program to earn some extra cash. It payed decently and allowed him to to pay for his necessities. He was ignorant to what was being done to him, and frankly didn't care as long as he got the cash not thinking what could have possibly gone wrong.
Eventually he became faster, stronger, more resilient, his body performing better and better each time he was injected with a mysterious black goop that doesn't have a name yet! But as he grew stronger, his mental stability grew weaker. Already being an eccentric guy, this amplified his worse qualities at times and made him prone to moodswings. His body started to destablize the more he kept receiving injections
A serum that was merely meant to go into his bloodstream and make his body stronger had started slowly replacing all of the cells in his body, carrying out the function they originally were for them. His body was rejecting the serum, causing his mental decline, his body to become unstable and more and more aggressive. The head scientist, who is the main antogonist of Daniels life (besides his parents lolllllll), decided that he was getting too much. By this point Daniels body had fully been replaced, no longer was he made of flesh bone organs and muscle but instead he comprised of this black substance!
Daniel was adjusting to his body, still unaware in a sense of what was going on with him when the head scientist had told him that they would be having a unique experiment. The scientist took Daniel to an abandoned arcade, and ran a few strength tests before knocking him out. She injected him with some sort of chemical to destablize his body and shoved him in an aracde machine, leaving him nothing but a sentient black goo that could rarely form some structure. His body in chrisis melded with the machine, making it a somewhat machine/human hybrid abomination
It took Daniel at least 40 years to break out of the machine, his mind only bent on one thing... revenge!

Kinda neat right? I based his character off of Lemon Demon's song Cabinet man way back when i was REALLLLLY into his music and had quite literally all of his music on my liked play list lol
Normally I draw him goofy and dumb, but hes actually quite messed up. I originally intended him to be a villain, and he still is! But these days hes just kinda harmless. I like to think I draw him the way he is after hes healed up. I gave you his backstory, but not the fullstory. That, im still working on too ha ha.
Im thinking in the future hes going to go after the lead scientists grandson, or great grandson and some sort of enemies to lover is going to happen there. Also surprise, Daniel is bi(actually omni but he doesn't know what that is!) in denial.

How did this glorius man come to be?
Well, one day in 7th grade lunch I was sitting with my friend and we were sharing art of our ocs.
She had pointed out that I had no villain characters at all, noticing that we were the opposite: she had all villain oc's and I had all hero(at the time) ocs
From there I designed an oc on procreate on my fathers iPad. At the time I was really into the song cabinet man and based it off the idea of a man stuck inside an aracde cabinet. I drew him and the rest is history! Since then he's really been my main oc(to my five other long time 3rd oc's dismay) Daniel, you are so silley and i luv youuuu... sighhhhhh